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Setup Examples
Setup Options
Setup Launch
Setup Time
Setup DIPS
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Setup Uploader
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Setup WEBchat
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Setup Scanner
Setup Non-Standard Ports
Setup Startup Parameters

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Active Check this box if you want to enable the PC Clock Synchronizer.
NTP Server Name (or IP address) of an NTP server. DynamIP uses "bernina.ethz.ch" as the default server, but that does obviously only make sense for users in Europe. Lists of public NTP servers are available at http://www.eecis.udel.edu/~mills/ntp/clock2.html. Please be considerate and use only those NTP servers that are "open access".
UTC offset of my location The UTC offset is simply the time difference between UTC and your location (in minutes). For example, if your time zone is PDT (summer in Palo Alto!) then the correct entry is "420" (without the quotes). Unless you are on Windows NT3.x (where the registry time zone setting does not work properly) you probably want to get the offset automatically from your registry (see option Use Registry Time Zone Information).
Timeout DynamIP aborts the NTP connecting process if the operation is not completed within the user-defined interval.
Use Registry Time Zone Information Check this box if you want DynamIP to get the UTC offset directly from your registry (the manually entered offset in the field UTC offset of my location is then disregarded). This does no work with Windows NT3.x.
Synchronize PC Clock on Connect event. Check this box if you want DynamIP to synchronize your PC clock with the NTP server as soon as an Internet connection is established.
Synchronize PC Clock on ONline event Check this box if you want DynamIP to synchronize your PC clock with the NTP server whenever the ONline event occurs.
Dial with Timer Each line allows you to define a timer that will control DynamIP, i.e. DynamIP will establish a connection at a particular time (ON), break the connection at a particular time (OFF), and you can even define which Dial-Up Connection DynamIP should use to establish the connection. Note that you must check the box "Dial with Timer" in Tab DUN/RAS for all this to work properly.

Enter the time you want DynamIP to establish a connection automatically . All times are diplayed in 24 hour format (e.g. 02:15 is equivalent to 2.15am).

Enter the time you want DynamIP to disconnect automatically. All times are diplayed in 24 hour format (e.g. 14:25 is equivalent to 2.25pm).

The above screen shot shows the following example:
- DynamIP establishes a connection at 02:15 (that is 2.15am)
- DynamIP disconnects at 14:25 (that is 2.25pm)
If the connection is lost at any time between 2.15am and 2.25pm DynamIP will automatically reestablish the connection (assuming "Dial with Timer" in Tab DUN/RAS is checked!)..

Important Note:
If you checked "Dial On Demand" and/or "Dial with Timer" you should enter the value
Cancel into the field "Name of Button to push" in the Tab DUN/RAS (which will close the Win95 lost connection dialog) because DynamIP is already set to reestablish your connection.

Select the desired dial-up connection for each active timer. You can choose from any of the dial-up connections that are defined on your system. Furthermore, you can also select the following special purpose entry:

_DUN/RAS Settings
Selecting this entry causes DynamIP to use the exact same dial-up connections that are defined in the Tab DUN/RAS. This allows you, for example, to cycle through more than one dial-up connection if you have more than one ISP or multiple dial-up numbers.

Ignore DialTimerOFF if missed by more than 5 min Check this box if you don't want DynamIP to disconnect active connections unless the current time is no more than 5 minutes past an active DialTimerOFF setting. This is useful if you have "Dial with Timer" in Tab DUN/RAS checked and want to establish (or keep alive) a connection outside of any of the intervals specified with DialTimerON and DialTimerOFF. For example, assume DynamIP is set to automatically connect at 2.15am and disconnect at 2.25pm (DialTimerON = 02:15 and DialTimerOFF = 14:25). If the box "Dial with Timer" in Tab DUN/RAS is checked, DynamIP would basically not allow you to establish a connection at 3pm (DynamIP would disconnect you automatically because 3pm is not bracketed by 2.15am and 2.25pm. If you check the box "Ignore DialTimerOFF if missed by more than 5 min", however, you would be able to establish a connection at 3pm without DynamIP interfering.
If this box is unchecked, DynamIP strictly enforces the settings of DialTimerON and DialTimerOFF (e.g. active connections at times that are not bracketed by at least one timer are terminated immediately).


Last modified: March 30, 1999
OFFLINEvisitors since May 1, 1998

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